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The product lines range from small UAV cameras and other short-range observation systems to long range Surveillance and Automatic Target Acquisition solutions, RWS Sights, Night Vision Cameras and more.

iSea Family

The iSea family consists of compact surveillance systems that were specially designed for the harsh maritime environment. They can be installed on coast guard boats, navy ships, manned or unmanned maritime vessels, and more.



A two gimbals gyro-stabilized system which includes the following sensors: Thermal Imaging Camera using a Cooled 3-5μ IR detector and a High sensitivity HD color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens. *Detection range to small boat target



A three (3) gimbal stabilized Day/Night observation system especially configured for maritime patrol boat applications. Easily integrated onto a wide variety of maritime vessels due to its flexible configuration, making it suitable for most requirements. *Detection range to small boat target



A four gimbal gyro-stabilized system which includes the following sensors: Thermal Imaging Camera using an uncooled 3-5μ IR detector and a High sensitivity HD color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens. And a SWIR Spotter Camera. *Detection range to small boat target

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iSky Family

The iSky family comprises gyro-stabilized, EO IR Camera Systems for various airborne missions. They can be integrated to different platforms such as UAVs, helicopters or fixed wing aircrafts, and are suitable for medium to long range surveillance.



A three gimbal stabilized Day/Night observation system especially configured for light A/C and helicopter platforms. *Thermal Imaging detection range to NATO target



Has superior capabilities and very long acquisition ranges making it ideal for a wide variety of applications and platforms. Installed on UAVs, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft and aerostats platforms. *Thermal Imaging detection range to NATO target

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Land Family

CONTROP’s wide variety of gyro-stabilized EO / IR Camera Payloads and gyro-stabilized Scanning and Observation Systems are proven for most Land Missions



The SPEED-MR 720/1200 is an advanced, wide area, passive, real time, modular 24/7 Electro-Optical super long-range observation system with Panoramic Scan and automatic moving object detection capability (Optional).



The SPEED-LR is a Land System designed to provide capabilities that were especially developed for diverse land environmental conditions. The system has an HD Thermal Camera and a SWIR Camera. Major advantage of the SWIR imaging for military applications is the ability to see images through haze, fog and glass.



The SPEED-ER is a Land System designed to provide detection, recognition and identification capabilities that were especially developed for diverse land environmental conditions. The SPEED-ER System provides maximum sensor range performance by using highly sensitive sensors.



The TORNADO-ER is an advanced IR system designed to automatically detect and acquire land and maritime targets "Electro-optical radar". It provides a unique solution by using highly sensitive sensors and advanced Real-time video algorithms.

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SIGHT Family

The SIGHT family provides the full package of EO/IR sensors needed to meet every operational challenge and to ensure quick target assessment and engagement. The systems enable to detect, recognize and identify targets by providing a high resolution thermal and daylight image to the gunner/commander from long ranges under day, night and severe weather conditions.



A compact fully integrated system includes the following sensors: Thermal Imaging (TI) Camera with a continuous zoom lens and a High sensitivity HD color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens and an Eyesafe laser range finder.*Detection range to NATO target



A compact fully integrated sensor package, with high performance MWIR Thermal Camera, High Definition Color \ NIR Daylight Camera and Eye-safe Laser Range Finder. Primarily designed for sighting systems used in remote controlled weapon stations.*Detection range to NATO target



A compact fully integrated sensor package, with high performance MWIR Thermal Camera, High Definition Color \ NIR Daylight Camera and Eye-safe Laser Range Finder. Primarily designed for sighting systems used in remote controlled weapon stations. *Detection range to NATO target



Four gimbal gyro-stabilized system which includes the following sensors: Thermal Imaging Camera using a cooled 3-5μ IR detector with a continuous zoom lens and a High sensitivity HD color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens. *Thermal Imaging detection range to NATO target



T-SIGHT Kit is a fast deployment, stationary and/or vehicle mounted, EO/IR suit based on CONTROP's battle proven SIGHT-25HD payload enhanced with specially designed tactical operation systems which include unique Tactical Management System (TMS) and peripheral equipment required for system operation.

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STAMP Family

The STAMP family of camera payload systems comprises various small gyro-stabilized payloads which were mainly developed for sUAVs (Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).



A three gimbal gyro-stabilized system with advanced image processing which includes the following sensors:Thermal Imaging Camera using a Cooled 3-5μ IR detector and a High sensitivity HD CMOS color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens. *Detection range to NATO target



A three (3) gimbal gyro-stabilized system which includes the following sensors: High performance Thermal Imaging (TI) Camera using an uncooled 8-12μ IR detector lens and a High sensitivity HD CMOS color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens. *TI Detection range to NATO target



A three gimbal gyro-stabilized system which includes the following sensors: Thermal Imaging Camera using a cooled 3-5μ IR detector and a High sensitivity HD CMOS color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens. *Detection range to NATO target



The MULTI-STAMP is a member of the STAMP STAbilized Miniature Payload family, which was developed to meet demanding Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Targeting (ISRT) missions on Small UAV (SUAV) platforms.

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