As recent conflicts have shown, UAVs now pose a significant threat to deployed forces and can have a significant impact on the outcome of military operations. This can be in the form of “suicide drones” – or loitering munitions – that find targets and engage them with explosive payloads, or reconnaissance drones that cue other weapon systems such as artillery or air-launched precision-guided weapons.
CONTROP’s SIGHT family can be deployed as part of an integrated counter-drone solution on a vehicle, working alongside other sensors such as radar and radiofrequency (RF) detectors and countermeasures. In such a system, the SIGHT provides positive identification of a drone threat, and can track the UAVs until a countermeasure is deployed. The SIGHT system provides excellent imagery for operators, utilizing both HD day camera and cooled infrared, and the tracking functionality reduces cognitive workload. SIGHT also has low size, weight and power requirements, meaning it can be deployed on small light tactical vehicles without being a burden on the vehicle’s components and electrical systems.
SIGHT Family
T-SIGHT Kit is a fast deployment, stationary and/or vehicle mounted, EO/IR suit based on CONTROP's battle proven SIGHT-25HD payload enhanced with specially designed tactical operation systems which include unique Tactical Management System (TMS) and peripheral equipment required for system operation.
Four gimbal gyro-stabilized system which includes the following sensors: Thermal Imaging Camera using a cooled 3-5μ IR detector with a continuous zoom lens and a High sensitivity HD color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens. *Thermal Imaging detection range to NATO target
A compact fully integrated sensor package, with high performance MWIR Thermal Camera, High Definition Color \ NIR Daylight Camera and Eye-safe Laser Range Finder. Primarily designed for sighting systems used in remote controlled weapon stations. *Detection range to NATO target
A compact fully integrated sensor package, with high performance MWIR Thermal Camera, High Definition Color \ NIR Daylight Camera and Eye-safe Laser Range Finder. Primarily designed for sighting systems used in remote controlled weapon stations.*Detection range to NATO target
A compact fully integrated system includes the following sensors: Thermal Imaging (TI) Camera with a continuous zoom lens and a High sensitivity HD color Day Camera with a continuous zoom lens and an Eyesafe laser range finder.*Detection range to NATO target